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Hi, I'm Troy, after I experienced depression in my mid 20's I had the realisation that I was the only one responsible for my happiness, crazy I know! It was at that moment I decided to take back control of my life and looked for alternative / complementary ways to manage and balance my mental state. I am so grateful for this chapter in my life as it led me to an awakening in my late 20's and early 30's where I discovered my innate healing abilities.

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The Full (Monkey) Story

Troy Mansfield
Troy Mansfield
Monkeys Healing Hands - Director, Owner & Founder
Reiki Therapist | Practitioner 

ccess Bars Therapist / Practitioner | Bars Course Facilitator 




Born in 1989

Chinese Year of the snake. 

Located in north-eastern suburbs of Adelaide all of his life.

(Wynn Vale, Modbury Heights, Para Hills area) 

Dependent (Fur) Child / trusted companion: "Buddy", his legendary, cool canine



Troy grew up in a traditional two parent and three kids family dynamic. 

on church / non practising religion but with strong values, loyal and conservative.

"Normal, standard/boring upbringing in his words (not mine). 

Troy is youngest sibling of three children (older brother and sister). 

His Mom and Dad are still happily married.


Career Change

Troy worked in the retail sector (Groceries) since leaving school from 2007 - 2022.

A creature of habit, he remained at the same store for 14years until 2021.

Even with being promoted along the way (team and department manager roles), he never saw retail as a career for him, rather it was only a job.

A goal of his had always been to own and run a small business. He started Monkey Healing Hands as a side venture in 2019, with hopes he could one day grow his customer base to be able to dedicate himself to only helping people (healing) for work.

Covid-19 was the trigger that inspired him to make a change and take control of his professional trajectory.

Monkeys Healing Hands started as a hobby business in his free time, but suddenly was receiving his full attention and efforts (multiplied, with my dedicated focus/support through all of summer.  

Every hour dedicated to growing it and making a success of it, since late last year.  



Mental Health

For many years, Troy had regularly battled with serious demons (depression).

Like so many like him, he struggled with anti-depressant medication and the significant side effects.

He was losing himself a little more each day in the fog of pharmaceuticals and couldn't, wouldn't accept what he constantly was hearing as the same response to his repeated pleas for some alternative solutions (other than medication and its nasty side effects), from those leading his treatment plan to get better and recover.... "It will get better, over time" they said. "Let's increase your dose and just keep taking more tablets. It does get better, why else would millions of people around the world take them if it didn't work". In what world could more tablets be the solution and swapping one dark place with one lost / numb place instead. In a desperate attempt to reclaim his sanity and fear of forgetting who he once was, he went on discovery mission.  

He discovered Reiki in his search and instantly connected with the values, benefits, principles and logic of Reiki - it made sense. It was familiar. It felt right. 


This positive methodology, constructive escape / outlet and significant life change was the foundation of his recovery and healing. Troy emersed himself in Reiki healing sessions and then continued training and developing his personal growth and capability as a Reiki Master and Therapist helping others, became the saviour he had longed for but was losing hope he'd every find.


Troy was able to address his demons and get closure from working through the root causes of his depression and successfully cease any use or reliance on anti-depressant medication due to Reiki and his healing (stemming from child abuse he experienced when he was younger). Through the healthy additional distraction (post healing) of dedicated study, he was able to rebuild himself, his value and confidence.


He is now a strong, confident, emotionally balanced and highly functional young man.  

Acutely aware of his surroundings and highly in tune with his clients, his reiki capabilities, the universe and energies. 

He has emerged out the other side of depression and regained a healthy and effectively maintained mental health condition from how he has embraced a spiritual enlightenment journey, self-discovery, growth and a passionate desire to do what he loves and practice Reiki / Access Bars (all day/every day. 


The universe delivered a significant gift in the form of an amazing soul with the wisdom, experience, knowhow and energy needed to spark and enable Troy's healing, Reiki and personal transformation.

This gift was in the form of an exceptionally talented, highly skilled and experienced spiritual guru, Paula. 

Troy is a Reiki Therapist, Healer, Coach and Training Facilitator (Classes, Courses and Accreditation).

He specializes in Reiki and Access Consciousness Therapy and Methodology:

1. Access Bars,

2. Access Facelifts


He also specializes in development and coaching of aspiring, new and experienced Reiki Therapists

- Facilitation of Access Classes, Courses and enable / empower students Accreditation in becoming a Reiki Therapist.

- Regular sessions for peer to peer development, collaboration and support. 

- Mentoring & Coaching (Life, Healing and Reiki Therapists)


Career, Business, Leadership, Development and Corporate Expertise support and packages available. 

- Support, Training and Insights from a nationally recognized leading Business / Corporate Industry Expert, Management Consultant and Business Excellence Guru - Dane Robson.

Dane has been a trusted advisor and supported Troy for many years in career and more recently, transition to Reiki full time and business development through mentoring and coaching the growth of Monkey's Healing Hands and upskilling in business management, strategy, customer and operational best practices.


*Discounted rates and priority access available to all clients and students of Monkey's Healing Hands in everything Business / Career / Corporate          


(2022) Photo - "Buddy"
(2020) Photo - Troy Mansfield

Troy: Lost in dark times... (depression)

Finds a new way..... Reiki

Troy + Reiki

For many years, Troy had regularly battled with serious demons of depression.

Like so many like him, he struggled with anti-depressant medication and the significant side effects.

He was losing himself a little more each day in the fog of pharmaceuticals and couldn't, wouldn't accept what he constantly was hearing as the same response to his repeated pleas for some alternative solutions (other than medication and its nasty side effects), from those leading his treatment plan to get better and recover.... "It will get better, over time" they said. "Let's increase your dose and just keep taking more tablets. It does get better, why else would millions of people around the world take them if it didn't work". In what world could more tablets be the solution and swapping one dark place with one lost / numb place instead. In a desperate attempt to reclaim his sanity and fear of forgetting who he once was, he went on discovery mission.  

He discovered Reiki in his search and instantly connected with the values, benefits, principles and logic of Reiki - it made sense. It was familiar. It felt right. 


This positive methodology, constructive escape / outlet and significant life change was the foundation of his recovery and healing. Troy emersed himself in Reiki healing sessions and then continued training and developing his personal growth and capability as a Reiki Master and Therapist helping others, became the saviour he had longed for but was losing hope he'd every find.


Troy was able to address his demons and get closure from working through the root causes of his depression and successfully cease any use or reliance on anti-depressant medication due to Reiki and his healing (stemming from child abuse he experienced when he was younger). Through the healthy additional distraction (post healing) of dedicated study, he was able to rebuild himself, his value and confidence.


He is now a strong, confident, highly skilled and successful young man.  He is embracing this exciting new chapter - and loving all the challenges, ups / downs and new path.


Acutely aware of his surroundings and highly in tune with his clients, his reiki capabilities, the universe and energies. 

He has emerged out the other side of depression and regained a healthy and effectively maintained mental health, exceptional decision making, resilience and development from how he has embraced a spiritual enlightenment journey, self-discovery, growth and a passionate desire to do what he loves and practice Reiki / Access Bars (all day/every day) and building a successful start-up business. 


Quirky Troy Facts:
1. Troy doesn't have a middle name.

2 Owns and can ride a Unicycle.

3. First in his family to get tattoo(s).

4. Spiritual and Self-discovery (solo trip) to South America for his 30th Birthday.

5. First in his connections / circles (Family, Friends, social / work) to: 

a) Try Reiki healing

b) Maintain Sessions

c) Proactively address / treat / and maintain a mental health condition (depression) via an alternative or natural therapeutic method.t.

c) Successfully stop taking anti-depressants and see a massive improvement on every level.

d) Study, dedicate and be accredited as a Reiki Therapist and Master. 

e) Quit his 9-5 (same) Job of 15years to chase his dream of a Wellness Business and has done it well.

Quirky, Caring, Determined Quiet Achiever

Like many of us, Troy always felt, been a little quirky and different.

He embraces this personality trait and proudly owns being an individual and not necessarily concerned with conforming to the norm. In a way, it allowed him to be more explorative of unique interests. A big part of how he connected to Reiki and since I have known him (late teens), he was always quietly observing life - almost looking for something more in and from life (especially excitement, fun and laughter).


An example: he bought a Unicycle 15 years ago with the plan to self-learn how to ride and get fit in the process. 

Troy will always do something, if he says he is going too.

It's been in the shed for a few years now, but he can and did, ride that unicycle on a regular basis for a few years! Became pretty good at it too. 

Not for any other reason, that he set himself the challenge and did it.

That's Troy!


Known for his warmth, quiet - friendly, calm, caring and curious in life approach personality. A gentle and quiet soul, Troy has always prioritised others and is considerate, supportive and radiates infectuous positive energy to those around him.


He's someone who is not naturally confident or outgoing, however is very self- aware. He has always challenged himself, the status quo, his own mental health and his goals to push himself outside his own comfort zone.

The reward for him has meant he is open to experiences, growth and everything life has to offer.


Connected with the universe and those around him. He possesses an inner depth and passion to be connected, help, heal and empower others to be their best and find their happiness., as a Reiki healer and accredited facilitator.


Troy has spent the past 15 years exploring, discovering, personally healing, developing and strengthening his knowledge, awareness and benefits of spiritual and energetic capability.





I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

+61 0410 335 770

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